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Higher Education Administration
On the Higher Education Administration page, you will find broad descriptions of leadership positions that I have held across the higher ed landscape, of including my role as the Founding Dean of a Graduate School at Queens University, responsible for establishing and leading the graduate school's overall vision, mission in addition to leadership roles in enrollment, academic affairs, and instructional design. |
CURRICULUM PROGRAM MANAGEMENTOn the Curriculum Design page, you will find a high-level view of programs I have designed and courses in those programs. In my role as Assistant Program Dean, I determine WHAT students will learn in consideration of program objectives, resource availability, and standards set by accrediting bodies throughout all phases of the development lifecycle.
On the Instructional Design page, you will see examples of course materials that I have created. These examples include sample assignments, interactive e-learning activities, and multimedia, including video. In my role as an instructional designer, I design based on HOW the student should best receive the information.
SCHOLARSHIP On the Scholarship page, I have listed my contributions for scholarship of engagement and participation in the research community through publications and presentations, My research includes traditional, discovery research, scholarship of teaching and learning, as well as synthesized, interdisciplinary research aligning to Boyer's model.
TEACHINGOn the Teaching page, you will find a list of the course descriptions for secondary and post-secondary courses that I have taught. In addition, you will find a link to my Philosophy of Education, which describes my beliefs about the purpose of education in society and a link to my Philosophy of Teaching, which was originally written when I was a beginning teacher explaining my perspective of my role as a teacher.